Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A gift from a friend.

Dear Reader:
I want to let you know about a recent discovery I made.  A dear friend of mine I met serving in Argentina came to town with her husband and invited me to lunch.  I hadn't seen them for so long and after hugs and greetings, she handed me a small purse with little bottles inside.  My curiosity was piqued but when I pressed for more information I was told to just try them and we could talk about it later.  
So I tucked the little pouch in my pocket and went off to lunch with them and didn't think much about it.   When I got home and started examining the contents of the package, I thought, "Oh no. My dear friends from Argentina have been taken by a snake oil salesman."  I showed the bottles to my wife and told her I thought my friends had been suckered into a scam.  My wife, who happens to be a medical professional, said, "These are not snake oils.  These are essential oils.  I bet you will find many of these in our local health food store."
I thought, "Okay, but are they worth anything?" 
Much to my surprise, my wife suggested that they do offer legitimate health benefits.
Thus began my exploration into the world of essential oils. 
At first I began to look up the oils I had been given:  lavender oil, lemon oil, eucalyptus and laurel leaf oil, melaleuca oil, peppermint oil, and cinnamon oil.  I found out how eucalyptus and laurel leaf oil can clear the sinuses so I started applying it externally to my nose and chest.  I discovered I could breathe through my nose easier and sleep better throughout the night.  It even cut down my snoring and apnea caused from sinus blockage.
Next, I looked into lavender oil and discovered that lavender oil has the ability to improve circulation when massaged into the muscles and the pleasant aroma not only smells good it improves the air you breathe.  So I offered the lavender oil to the massage therapist who gives back rubs at work (a nice little benefit my employer recently offered its employees).  She used the oil on my neck and arms. I felt great and smelled even better. 
I started to use the peppermint oil as a breath mint and the cinnamon oil and lemon oil to spice up my drinks.  I also started using the lemon oil to clean the hard water marks on my shower tiles and to polish my wood furniture.  Before long, I realized the essential oils were replacing the health aids, spices, fragrances and cleaners in my house because they were the building blocks of those products, only these were natural, pure and clean, not industrialized nor synthesized substitutes.  
So I called my friends from Argentina to learn more.  The husband of my friend told me they had used the products and enjoyed them so much they became distributors. 

When I asked if they were successful, they said that in six months they were making as much from essential oils as from their day jobs.   They fully expect to have no need for their day jobs before the year ends. So I asked them how long the company had been in business.  I learned it had been created by people who had been involved with essential oils for several decades but that the company was only recently started in 2007 and how it is just now hitting its growth curve.  So my next question was how much did it cost to become a distributor. 
Just $35. 
I joined and I've been enjoying essential oils with my family ever since.
And now I am giving you the opportunity to join, also. 
These essential oils come packaged in a variety of ways such as part of daily supplements, mixed in toothpaste and lotions and cleaners and shampoo and weight loss drinks, and so forth.  And you can also purchase them in their pure concentrated oil form also.  This way you can use them in a variety of food recipes, aroma dispensers, cleaning solutions, or health aids.  It's like being your own spice store, soap factory, food processor, fragrance retailer and health store just by putting a few essential oils in your cupboard.  The more I learn, the more things I want to do with my essential oils.  
So I am giving you the opportunity to discover what I have discovered.  And you can become a distributor, too.
You can start discovering the wellness of essential oils by clicking here to learn more at my Website: 
If you decide to become a distributor, just use my account number as your sponsor when signing up. 
                                           The enrollment number is: 238821
Pretty soon you'll be giving out samples to your friends, too.  The effect is charming, almost like magic.  Give it a try. It's a way we can all get healthier, wealthier and happier together.
BTW:  I'm going to miss those back rubs at work.  I guess I'll just have to hire my own massage therapist instead.

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